Resident Evil: This franchise game is having a monumental flop…

It was on October 28 that players in possession of Resident Evil: Village were able to discover Resident Evil Re:Verse. On the program of the latter, a multiplayer mixing shooter and action game in which several players are therefore in confrontation and who can embody one of the protagonists or antagonists of the license. Despite this idea, which may seem attractive at first glance, the reality is quite different.

RE:Verse, the Multiplayer that should have stayed in the closet?

Postponed several times before its final publication on October 28, the standalone mutilplayer RE:Verse did not seem to have been able to seduce the players… As a reminder, all those who have purchased Resident Evil: Village have access to this title for free, which potentially makes more than six million players who can enjoy multiplayer. Nevertheless, if we look at figures available via SteamChartsthe game does not have the same success as Village.

Indeed, as you can see, we have here only 189 players playing RE:Verse, with an average concurrent user of 355, which is extremely low. For comparison and at the time of writing, Resident Evil: Village has no less than 5,400 simultaneous players with an average of 2,360, which is much better. It is the most played game in the Resident Evil franchise.

Resident Evil RE:Verse, what is it?

For those who don’t know, RE:Verse is simply a third-person shooter multiplayer game as we were able to tell you a little above. In the latter, we are dealing with real deathmatch with a maximum of six players, and everyone can decide to embody the protagonist he or she wants: Léon, Jill, Claire, or the very famous Chris Redfield.

However, when one of the players is killed, he can subsequently transform into one of the monsters of the license, passing through the Nemesis, Jake Baker or the Tyrant. thing to know, each of the characters has its own statistics with its skills / abilitiessuch as Father Baker who can do a spinning attack with a chainsaw, while the Nemesis can attack with a long-range rocket launcher.

You will understand, there is something for everyone, but unfortunately it seems that for the moment, players are not really interested in this standalone combat.

Halloween is approaching, and it’s time for us to break out our best plaids with a nice hot chocolate, and dive back into the horror video games that have managed to offer the scariest characters. Be careful, you will have nightmares!

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