Residents are worried – fraudsters are causing mischief as “bee protectors”.

They are currently going from house to house in the Bruck an der Leitha district in search of beehives – at least that’s what the perpetrators tell the concerned residents. They have now sounded the alarm.

In the Bruck an der Leitha district, con artists disguised as supposed bee protectors are currently causing discomfort among the population. Property has been scouted out here recently. Strangers claiming to be members of the “Bee Protection Association” raised alarm bells among residents. Since then, warnings have been circulating online and offline. Even the fire department was involved because it was initially assumed that the comrades might be using insects. But these always take place in uniform! So no indication. There are also no known measures or protective measures in the community itself. The incidents were reported to the police. “Unfortunately, fraudulent scams occur again and again in individual regions,” it said on request. In this specific case, however, it was said to have been an official collection of donations from recognized environmentalists, as it later turned out.
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