Resilience plan: the government will take measures on fuel

Barbara Pompili has confirmed that fuel measures will be part of the resilience plan to be unveiled next week. The Minister also recalls that “the war will not be painless” for the economy.

The French government is currently developing what will be “the economic and social resilience plan” announced by Emmanuel Macron on Wednesday. Guest of Franceinfo this Friday morning, the Minister of Ecological Transition Barbara Pompili confirmed that Jean Castex would unveil this plan “next week”.

The Minister also specified the contours of the aid measures that will appear in the plan. Starting with initiatives on energy prices. “We are already protecting the French on electricity, on gas. We will extend the tariff shield on gas until the end of the year“, recalled Barbara Pompili, assuring that the government counts “protect all those who will be affected by this price increase, whether motorists, certain businesses”.

“This war is not going to be painless”

The Minister thus added that aid on “fuel are part of the resilience plan that the prime minister will announce next week.”

Barbara Pompili, however, warned of the limits of public support for the economy due to the scale of the consequences of the war in Ukraine: “This war is not going to be painless. We will have the consequences on our territory. We are not in a vacuum”.

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