respect the Paris agreement and trust science ”

Tribune. France has set itself a target of reducing its greenhouse gas emissions by 40% by 2030, which it will have to raise since the European Union (EU) has recently committed to reducing them. by 55% by this time in order to achieve carbon neutrality in 2050.

Given the importance of the issue, the German Constitutional Court ruled, in a decision of April 29, 2021, that the German target for 2030, although set at 55%, was ” insufficient “ and threatened “Practically all freedom guaranteed by the fundamental law”, including property rights for future generations – forcing the government to raise its 2030 target to 65%.

Elite training

However, in France, contrary to the commitments made, the Climate and Resilience bill, which is being discussed in the Senate in June, turns out to be completely out of step with the emergency, as denounced by 115,000 demonstrators. May 9. According to the High Council for the Climate, the bill does not initiate the necessary structural changes, and a high proportion of its provisions see its scope reduced by a limited scope of application. The observation is clear: in the state of the measures taken, France will not achieve its objectives, which are already insufficient.

The Climate Bill thus constitutes a double missed opportunity: to respect the Paris Agreement and to trust science. In this context, all skills must be put at the service of a society consistent with the physical limits of our planet. We have been prepared, within a large school, to be part of the economic and political leaders of tomorrow. We learned to analyze the strategic decisions of companies and public policies.

The decryption: “The climate law is going to have an impact on the lives of citizens, but not sufficient to achieve our climate objectives”

On the basis of this training, three reforms appear to us to be particularly necessary and urgent to carry out the “unprecedented transformations” urged by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), report after report.

First of all, the training of the elites. Only a deep ignorance of the physical reality of the climate emergency on the part of the government and the National Assembly can explain the poverty of the debates and the general weakness of the text.

Sanction companies

It is therefore urgent that political leaders be trained in climate issues, as did the 150 members of the citizens’ convention for the climate, on the basis of the best scientific work available, in particular that of the IPCC and the High Council for the climate. . The latter may be requested to organize a mandatory training session for deputies and senators, of at least seven days, from the start of the next legislature. This training must be renewed after each election, to ensure the competence of the newly elected officials.

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