Restoration: platforms are mobilizing against illegal work

Uber Eats, Deliveroo, Frichti and Stuart have signed a charter.

The meal delivery market has experienced spectacular growth over the past two years. However, it was accompanied by the parallel development of illegal work. Delivery platforms such as Deliveroo, Uber Eats or Frichti do not want to pay their deliverers, whom they employ as self-employed workers. This practice has its perverse effects: some of the deliverers irregularly sublet the account that allows them to work for one of these platforms, taking a commission in the process. At the end of the chain, it is often undocumented migrants who deliver the dishes for very low wages, or minors who cannot work under their true identity.

For several months, the government has been encouraging platforms to fight more effectively against fraud and the irregular subletting of these accounts. These discussions led to the development of a charter, signed Tuesday by four of the main delivery platforms in France: Uber Eats, Deliveroo, Stuart and Frichti. The charter plans to strengthen and harmonize the means implemented by these platforms to fight against fraud.

Professional elections

Among the measures that they undertake to take is the monthly check of the documents that a delivery person must provide to benefit from an account. An additional check must be carried out as soon as the turnover associated with an account exceeds 5,000 euros. The real identity of the deliverers must also be checked every week, either on the premises of the platforms or remotely by means of a selfie.

A point will be made each quarter with the General Directorate of Labor, to monitor the progress of the platforms in the fight against fraud. ” This is to ensure that good practices are disseminatedwe explain to the Ministry of Labor.Since the start of discussions, several hundred fake accounts have already been deactivated. Some platforms had already taken steps in this direction. Deliveroo and Uber Eats, for example, have recently implemented such a selfie identity control system.

This is to ensure that good practices are disseminated. Since the start of the discussions, several hundred fake accounts have already been deactivated

The Ministry of Labor

Uber Eats has started an audit of the data it has on all of its 50,000 delivery people. It deactivates each monthbetween a few dozen and 300 fake accounts “. Beyond the fight against illegal work, the Ministry of Labor endeavors to structure social dialogue in this sector. “Delivery people need to be represented so that their working conditions improve “, we underline the Ministry of Labor. First elections will take place in May.

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