“Restrictions benefit Russia”: Defense experts call for target release for Western weapons

“Restrictions benefit Russia”
Defense experts call for target clearance for Western weapons

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Unlike the Chancellor, defense experts from the SPD and the Union criticize the operational restrictions that tie Kiev’s hands in the war with Russia. The attacks on Kharkiv must lead to a change in NATO strategy, they argue.

In the debate about restrictions on Ukraine’s use of Western weapons against Russia, defense experts from the SPD and CDU are now increasing the pressure on the federal government. “Putin is cold-bloodedly exploiting our restrictions on the use of Western weapons,” said Andreas Schwarz of the SPD to the Düsseldorf “Rheinische Post”. This can be seen in the example of the attacks on Kharkiv in recent days. “Here the Russian army is calmly shelling the second largest city in Ukraine from Russia because it does not have sufficient air defense and the Ukrainian army’s hands are tied at the country’s border,” said the SPD politician, who is responsible for defense spending in the budget committee.

Ukraine must watch as people die and the city is bombed. “We must rethink and adopt the ideas of NATO Secretary General Stoltenberg so that Ukraine can also attack the positions on Russian territory from which it is being attacked,” said Schwarz. “This obvious weakness in our strategy must be reconsidered in the Western alliance, especially since there is nothing standing in the way of this under international law,” demanded the SPD politician.

“Scholz should enable Taurus delivery”

In this he is in line with the defence expert of the Union faction in the Bundestag, Johann Wadephul. “We should be clear: Ukraine is defending itself against Russian aggression on the basis of international law and is allowed to use weapons on Russian territory to do so,” said the faction vice-chairman. “Western restrictions on the use of weapons supplied by us only help Russia and should be lifted immediately,” demanded the CDU politician. “In addition, the Chancellor is still called upon to finally enable the delivery of Taurus cruise missiles,” warned Wadephul.

Chancellor Olaf Scholz had only reiterated his opposition to the delivery of Taurus cruise missiles to Ukraine on Friday. The SPD politician cited again that he did not want to take the risk of a possible expansion of the Ukraine war into a war between Russia and NATO. With a system such as Taurus, Germany must have control over the targets.

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