Resuscitation unsuccessful – explosion of oxygen: 56-year-old dies

Tragic accident on Thursday in a coffee house in Bad Radkersburg in Styria: the oxygen from the bottle of a 56-year-old exploded, the woman died.

At around 4:10 p.m., the 56-year-old resident of a nursing home visited the café with her partner. The woman used her oxygen device there, which directs oxygen through tubes into her nose. Cigarette litThe woman may have lit a cigarette in the meantime. The oxygen reacted with the fire from the cigarette, causing it to explode. The woman, who was burdened by a previous illness, inhaled the smoke gases. She was still responsive shortly after the incident, but then collapsed. The emergency doctor tried to resuscitate the woman, but was unsuccessful. According to the police, the woman died as a result of inhalation trauma.
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