Retailleau lays down its conditions for voting on the texts

The leader of senators LR Bruno Retailleau asks Saturday in an interview with Parisian his conditions for his group to vote the bill in favor of purchasing power and the amending budget, insisting that “work pays”.

The texts will arrive from next week in the hemicycle of the Senate dominated by the right.

We are going to reduce as much as possible the taxes and social charges that weigh on overtime and encourage the company to buy back RTT for employees who want to work more, explains Mr. Retailleau, stressing that these measures will have to be final.

The deputies, who are continuing on Saturday to examine the amending budget, have already given the green light to the possibility for companies to buy back RTT days from employees, a measure limited to 2022 and 2023, as well as an increase in the tax exemption ceiling for overtime for 2022 (from 5,000 to 7,500 euros).

Mr. Retailleau also proposes flexibility in terms of combining employment and retirement and warns that his group will refuse that the revaluation of the RSA be higher than that of the index point for civil servants.

The senator from Vende still poses as a condition, for voting on the amending finance bill, the rapid launch of a biometric Vitale card, which prevents fraud.

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Regarding the price of fuel, Mr. Retailleau indicates that he will support the agreement concluded between the government and the LR l’Assemble group. The Minister of Economy Bruno Le Maire agrees to an increase in state aid, currently 18 cents per liter of fuel.

Finally, the boss of the LR senators considers that taxing the superprofits of companies, as requested in particular by the left, would be demagoguery. Companies are not dairy cows. The more they are taxed, the less they can invest and raise wages, he says.

Asked moreover about his possible candidacy for the presidency of the Les Républicains party, Mr. Retailleau declared that he did not favor this hypothesis.

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