Retirement age: Why Macron’s bogus concession could fuel the debate

Emmanuel Macron, facing Caroline Roux, Wednesday evening in The event. LUDOVIC MARIN / AFP

TO ANALYSE – On Wednesday evening, the Head of State said he was “open” to raising the retirement age only to 64 if the unions agree to increase the contribution period in parallel to receive a pension at a rate full.

Pure political strategy. This is how to sum up Emmanuel Macron’s pseudo-openness or concession on pensions against Caroline Roux on the show The Eventon France 2. The President of the Republic has, in fact, reaffirmed, with graphics in support, the need to “work longer” to finance our economy – and in particular the anti-cost of living measures that the government is taking to fight against inflation and the rise in energy prices – and therefore to raise the retirement age.

Very educational, the Head of State reiterated his campaign commitment: to gradually raise the retirement age, at the rate of “4 months a year” from summer 2022 to reach “63 years old in 2025, 64 years old in 2028 and 65 years old in 2031”. He accompanied his speech with the necessary counterparts in terms of social justice to “the long careers that started working before 20 years old” and will still be able to leave before the legal age and assets that…

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