Retirement insurance, Agirc-Arrco… How much does your pension increase in the space of a few months?

Are you one of the more than 13 million retired ex-employees and private sector workers? Your monthly pension benefits from a double accelerator this fall, first, then this winter. After payment of the upgraded Agirc-Arrco supplementary pension, Thursday November 2, it will be the turn of the general system pension, at the start of 2024.

What increase in the Agirc-Arrco supplementary pension?

The service value of the point is fixed as of November 1, 2023 1.4159 euros. Against 1.3498 euros before this date. Which corresponds to an evolution of +4.9%. This quote is taken from the national inter-professional agreement, a text intended to regulate the Agirc-Arrco supplementary regime for 4 years, and on which the co-management organizations agreed on October 5.

An agreement far from unanimous since among the employers’ organizations, only Medef has signed. Among the unions, on the other hand, once is not customary, all the representatives have signed, including the CGT, which wishes to oppose the government’s drain on the money of employees and retirees.

Agirc-Arrco retirement: what changes for your supplementary pension with the new agreement

The supplementary scheme for former private sector employees is a point-based scheme. So it is this increase in the value of the point which has a direct impact on your Agirc-Arrco pension. In fact, this translates into a 4.9% increase in your gross pension (before CSG, CRDS, etc.) on November 1st. And it is of course on the payment at the beginning of November that the annual increase of 4.9% appears, your supplementary pension then being required to remain at this same level for 12 months, until October 2024.

A subtlety… Wednesday November 1st being a public holiday, it was Thursday November 2nd that the payment of the increased pension was made. A payment visible in your bank account this Thursday or with a banking delay which can range from 1 to 3 days, so watch for this Friday, November 3 or at the beginning of next week.

When will the 5.2% increase in the basic pension be expected?

Then, on January 1, 2024, the basic pension will increase. How high? The high inflation observed in 2023 leads to a forecast revaluation of pensions 5.2% as of January 1, 2024 while the effects of the pension reform are gradually increasing, it is written in the social security financing bill (PLFSS) for 2024. In fact, this annual revaluation does not pass by law but it must be materialized at the end of December by a ministerial instruction, then declined in a circular from Retirement Insurance.

Bercy having committed to an increase of 5.2%, there is however no reason for suspense. But be careful: this revaluation will only be visible Friday February 9, 2024, and not on the payment of Tuesday January 9. For what? Because the basic pension due for the month of January is paid at the beginning of February by your Cnav or Carsat.

Example for a global pension of 2000 euros

By definition, a supplementary pension supplements your basic pension, paid by Cnav or Carsat, in other words Retirement Insurance. Let’s start with a pension receiving 2000 euros of gross pension per month, pension broken down as follows in October 2023:

  • Basic pension: 1200 euros
  • Supplementary pension Agirc-Arrco: 800 euros

In November, your retirement will look like this:

  • Basic pension: 1200 euros
  • Agirc-Arrco supplementary pension: 839 euros

Then, at the beginning of February 2024, it is the basic pension (Carsat or Cnav) due for the month of January which will be revalued:

  • Basic pension: 1262 euros
  • Agirc-Arrco supplementary pension: 839 euros

Going from 2000 euros gross to 2101 euros, this gross overall pension will earn more than 100 euros in the space of a few months. An amount which obviously depends on your retirement level.

Minimum pension, increase of 5.2%, Agirc-Arrco… When will your pension increase?

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