Retirement pension, PEL rate, salary… What changes for your budget on January 1, 2024

Increase in the minimum wage, retirement pensions and the price of a packet of cigarettes… January also marks the end of the monthly usury rate for property loans. Here’s everything that changes for the first month of the year.

The minimum wage on the rise

An increase of 1.13%. The hourly minimum wage (Smic) will increase at the start of the year from 11.52 euros gross per hour to 11.68 euros. Nowadays, the monthly net minimum wage is 1383 euros for full time and will therefore increase to 1398 euros monthly net. On the basis of the annual report of a group of experts on the minimum wage, an increase of 1.7% was envisaged. But the final inflation figures for the month of November, published in mid-December by INSEE, decided otherwise. The automatic revaluation of the SMIC at the start of 2024 would be of the order of +1.1%, the organization wrote in its quarterly economic note.

Retirement pension up by more than 5%

Retirement pensions will be increased by 5.3% on January 1, 2024, based on the calculation formula which takes into account inflation over 2 years. For example, a basic net pension of 1470 euros per month will increase to 1548 euros net.

Don’t forget that your basic pension paid on Tuesday January 9 will be the one counting for December. You will have to wait until Friday February 9 to benefit from this significant increase of almost 80 euros.

Retirement insurance: the 2024 schedule for your basic pension payments

Aspa will increase

The solidarity allowance for the elderly (Aspa) should experience the same revaluation as retirement pensions (+5.3%), going from 961.08 euros gross per month for a single person to 1011.06 euros gross.

New rate for PELs

In 2024, opening a housing savings plan (PEL) will guarantee you remuneration 2.25% for 15 years at best if you keep your PEL as long as possible. After deducting the flat tax of 30%the net remuneration rate for the new PELs will therefore be 1.575%. It is therefore a little better than the remuneration of a PEL opened in 2023 which currently yields 2% gross, or 1.4% after tax.

Home savings plan: for whom is a 2% PEL still a good deal?

Real estate credit: the end of the monthly usury rate

There you go, it’s over. The Banque de France announced the return to the quarterly calculation of the usury rate from the start of 2024. From now on, interest rates are tending towards their stabilization: this is true of the ECB rates (on pause since September) like those in booklet A, maintained at 3%. It is therefore justified to escape exceptional circumstances and return to the quarterly adjustment provided for by law, indicated the Bank of France.

Real estate credit: the usury rate exceeds an unprecedented threshold since 2010

MaPrimeRenov’: 2024 aid

The MaPrimeRnov’ system will see its budget increase from January 1, 2024 to support the renovation of… 7.2 million energy sieves. And as announced by the government, the financing rate for the works could reach 90% next year for a project costing 70,000 euros.

Amounts eligible for MaPrimeRnov’ aid in 2024
Energy gain
on a DPE
2 class3 classes4 classes
Spending ceiling
40,000 euros55,000 euros70,000 euros
Very modest households80%80%80%
Low-income households60%60%60%
Intermediate households45%50%50%
So-called senior households30%35%35%

Source: National Housing Agency (Anah)

Beyond these maximum amounts, The ceiling for eligible expenses ranges from 40,000 to 70,000 euros. And the scales are in fact different between Ile-de-France and the rest of the country. For example, very low-income households can receive 80% of their work covered, compared to 60% for low-income households.

Annual resource ceilings (RFR) to benefit from MaPrimeRnov’ aid in 2024
Number of occupants
Very modest households
Ile-de-France/outside IDF

Low-income households
Ile-de-France/outside IDF

Intermediate households
Ile-de-France/outside IDF
So-called senior households
Ile-de-France/outside IDF
123541 / 1700928657 / 2180540018 / 30549> 40018 and 30549
234551 / 2487542058 / 3188958827 / 44907> 58827 and 44907
341493 / 2991750513 / 3834970382 / 54071> 70382 and 54071
448447 / 3494858981 / 4480282839 / 63235> 82839 and 63235
555427 / 4000267473 / 5128194844 / 72400> 94844 and 72400
6970 / 50458486 / 646212006 / 9165

Source: National Housing Agency (Anah)

My Renov’ guide: some calendar changes

The obligation to go through Mon accompanier Rnov’ for certain types of work will be extended to January 1st. From now on, aid requests involving at least 2 eligible work positions MaPrimeRnov’, whose cost is greater than 5,000 euros each (for a total cost of 10,000 euros minimum) are concerned.

The support can be free if your community has set up dedicated funding but it will cost more than 2000 euros if you go through a private organization which has obtained the necessary approval.

The price of the green stamp on the rise

One year after the disappearance of the red stamp, the price of the green stamp will increase in 2024. From January 1, it will cost 1.24 euros, instead of 1.16 euros, for sending a standard green letter in 3 days in Metropolitan France, an increase of 11%.

The pack of cigarettes will cost more than 12 euros

Smoking in 2024 will be more expensive than in 2023. Taxes on cigarettes, which represent 80% of their selling price, will increase by 4.5% and lead to an average increase of 43 cents for a package. Those 11.50 euros, they often take one euro to pass 12.50 euros. This is the case, in particular, of the emblematic packet of Marlboro Red.

An electric car for 100 euros per month

Electric cars costing 100 euros per month for the most modest will be offered from January 1, in accordance with a promise from Emmanuel Macron. This system concerns the most modest households whose Reference tax income per unit is less than 15,400 euros. Initially, households or people who drive more than 8,000 km per year or who live more than 15 km from their place of work will be favored for obtain the 20 to 25,000 vehicles offered.

A government platform active since December 15 – – will allow everyone to see if they are eligible. Reservations will be made on the rental companies’ websites from January 1st.

Car: a new electric bonus

A new electrical bonus remodeled on the basis of environmental criteria will see the light of day in 2024. It will promote low-carbon electric modelsproduced in France or in Europe, just like those targeted by leasing 100 euros per month.

The implementation of this new criterion for eligibility for the ecological bonus provided for in the Green Industry strategy should make it possible to avoid the emission of 800,000 tonnes of CO2 equivalent per year, or the annual circulation of 450,000 thermal cars.

Chinese-made cars like the Dacia Spring, the cheapest electric on the market, but also the MG and Smart, are excluded from the bonus.

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