Retirement: the police fear the arrival of the thugs for a Tuesday in red and black

Parade of black bloc during the demonstration against the pension reform, on February 11 in Paris. Linsale Kelly/BePress/ABACA

NEWS THE FIGARO- According to the intelligence services, no less than 400 to 800 “ultras” of “yellow vests”, as well as 300 to 500 activists from the ultra left, are notably expected in the capital.

The executive, which has so far suffered the first large-scale waves against the pension bill, expects this time a wave of anger across the country. According to the latest forecasts brought to the attention of the Figaro, analysts at Place Beauvau estimate that between 1 and 1.4 million people will take to the streets of France on Tuesday. That is to say a level of protest that could cross the peak recorded in the fall of 2010, at the height of the revolt against the Woerth law defending the passage of the legal age of departure from 60 to 62 years. “ The protest promises to be massive and the goal of the intersyndicale is to go beyond the record mobilization of January 31where 1.2 million demonstrators had beaten the pavement “says a high-ranking official.

On the social discontent front, the intelligence services do not expect the “ big night “even if the thugs are likely to be at the rendezvous. According to our information, no less than 400 to…

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