Return to the Ethereum France meetup with Starknet and Mangrove

The association Ethereum Francewhich has around a hundred members, organized a meetup around entrepreneurship and the development of blockchain projects on Starknet and Mangrove, this week in Paris. Back to the event.

How to build a project around Ethereum?

How to attract the best developers for your crypto project? Whether through rewards such as bounties, the possibility of organizing events, or taking an important part in the decision-making of the project (DAO for decentralized autonomous organization), several models coexist in the crypto ecosystem. And it is around this theme of entrepreneurship and project development in the Ethereum universe, that the Ethereum France association organized a meetup on Tuesday in Paris.

For the occasion, around fifty web3 enthusiasts, mostly tech profiles, were welcomed around beers and pizzas in the 9th arrondissement. The opportunity, for two projects which are on the rise, Starknet and Mangrove, to pitch in front of perhaps their future teammates.

Starknet encourages events

Created in 2023, the Starket Foundation offers, for example, the possibility of allocating a budget to the most motivated people who wish to organize events in their city. “A technical object in which people do not interact together is a dead object,” says Henri Lieutaudin charge of developer relations at the Starknet Foundation.

“Bootcamps” (workshops) also allow you to train from scratch in the Starknet ecosystem, a second layer blockchain (layer 2) based on Ethereum which promises better security and higher performance. Many questions emerged about the possibility for developers to learn the computer language specific to Starknet (Cairo). In the room, several people were able to give their testimony.

Better sharing of value rather than “bounty hunters”

Although they can incentivize developers, bonuses are not the financial compensation model chosen by the decentralized finance project MangroveDAO, a decentralized exchange (DEX) based on a programmable order book that allows advanced operations on Polygon.

“The problem with bounties is that we attract bounty hunterswho move from project to project without having a long term vision“, describes Philippe Honigman, governance lead at Mangrove. “That’s not the goal. In building an ecosystem, we rather want people who want to build in the long term.” The project instead focuses on an organization where value is shared between different actors, through a system of “pods“.

Through these meetups, Ethereum France intends reactivate the French community, a very active time before being cut short by the Covid. “There is real potential to go up to 1,000 members up-to-date contributions,” indicate the organizers, who invite anyone interested to join their Discord or contact them by email.

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