Revenge for death of pack member? – Monkeys throw 250 dogs from roofs to their death in India


In the Indian village of Lavool, a war is raging between monkeys and dogs. Monkeys are said to have already killed 250 dogs. Locals suspect the motive is an act of revenge.

Various shots show how the monkeys grab the dogs.

Video: Twitter / TV9

  • A bloody war is raging between monkeys and dogs in Lavool, a community with a population of 5,000.

  • The primates throw their four-legged friends off roofs or trees to their death.

  • The residents assume that the monkeys are doing this out of revenge because dogs are said to have killed a baby monkey.

Blood flows on the streets of Lavool. As bizarre as it sounds, a war has broken out in the community in the central Indian state of Maharashtra between a murderous horde of monkeys and the street dogs that live there – and the four-legged friends lose it. According to information provided by the residents to the Indian broadcaster CNN-News18, around 250 dogs have already been killed by the monkeys.

The residents of the place therefore report that everything should have started about a month ago. At that time, some dogs had killed a baby monkey – and since then the primates have been out for bloody revenge. As soon as a dog dares to go out into the street, the monkeys drag him onto a roof or into a treetop and from there tossed it to his death.

Powerless against the monkeys’ hustle and bustle

The news channel published a picture of such a killing. It shows a monkey holding a small dog in its arms and carrying it towards the edge of the roof. Then the monkey throws the puppy into the depths.

The villagers have asked the forest authorities for help, but so far only two of the murderous monkeys have been captured. The two animals are brought to Nagpur and released into a forest there.

Because that wasn’t enough for them, the residents tried to get the situation under control themselves – in vain. It only made things worse. Since there are hardly any young dogs left in the community of 5,000 souls, the monkeys are now even supposed to attack small children on their way to school.

The authorities are still cautious in their statements: «We have no evidence for the theory of a campaign of revenge. It’s the behavior of animals and we can’t be sure why they do that, ”a representative in the Indian Express was quoted as saying. The extent is just as unclear. The spokesman was able to confirm, however, that “some dog puppies were killed by the monkeys”.

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In a village in India, monkeys throw dogs from roofs or trees to their death.

IAS Study Center

The residents assume that the monkeys kill out of revenge.

The residents assume that the monkeys kill out of revenge.

News 18 / Suresh Jadhav

The magazine “ati” assumes that the dog killings can only be understood with a strict research study, but considers revenge as a plausible motive. These primates allegedly saw one of their own kind cruelly killed and have since targeted the species that committed the crime.

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