Revenue for the 3rd quarter of 2024 – 09/10/2024 at 6:05 p.m.


After a slow quarter, lePERMISLIBRE is preparing for a recovery marked by strategic initiatives.

The turnover for Q3 2024 amounted to €3.0 million, down 29% compared to the same period in 2023, integrating the traditional seasonality of the sector linked to the summer period and a sharp drop in activity in the Paris region during the Olympic Games. The resumption of activity is visible at the end of September.

The quarter was marked by an overall drop in driving hours completed. This decline was strongly marked in the Ile de France region, which represents a significant part of our turnover.

Driving hours produced on our candidates during the Olympic and Paralympic Games period, from mid-July to early September, fell by 36% compared to last year compared to a drop of 27% in other regions over the same period. period. Driving hours not completed during the Olympic Games will be carried over to the coming months, because they have already been ordered by our candidates. Their achievement will thus contribute to increasing our turnover in the coming months.


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