Revised? 8 dangerous signs |

Are you just a little stressed or definitely overworked? We'll tell you how to recognize overexertion and what you can do about it.

Revised: The preliminary stage of burnout

Total exhaustion, the system goes down to zero, nothing works anymore: This is burnout. Many of us have respect for this word. But mostly it's almost too latewhen exhaustion depression is diagnosed. It can take weeks, months, and sometimes even years for your mind and body to recover. But it doesn't have to come to that!

We should pay attention to signs earliertelling us that we're just overworked and desperately need a break. A phase of overhaul can be brought under control more quickly than a diagnosed burnout.

The following signs suggest that you should currently shift down a gear.

Sign # 1: Constant exhaustion

You pay attention to your diet, you drink enough, you get enough sleep – and yet you are constantly tired? Warning, this is a very classic sign that you need a break in order to regenerate. With a day or two of vacation that is usually not enough. In stressful phases, the nutritional requirement for vitamins, minerals and the like is also greatly increased. Hence the body does quickly slack and you feel tired easily. So be sure to check your diet again and make sure that there is enough Fruits, vegetables and whole grains land on the plate. There are many micro-nutrients in here.

Sign # 2: trouble sleeping

Lights out, eyes closed, find peace: It would be nice! Do you lie awake for a long time at night? think about the taskswho come to you tomorrow? This can be a sign of overwork. We can then no longer switch off the thinking apparatus rattles and rattles and keeps us awake for a long time. In the morning we wake up exhausted and have to perform again – a Vicious circlethat can end in burnout.

So make sure you try to improve the quality of your sleep – sleep has to be for that long enough and deep enough his. Only then can your body recover and regenerate while you sleep.

Here you will find tips on how to improve so-called sleep hygiene and here you will find out how you can fall asleep quickly and not have to stay awake for so long.

Sign # 3: Diet changes

Heavy loads can also result in a changed diet to make noticable. Some of us cannot eat when there is a lot of work to do. Others eat a lot to reward themselves. Both extremes are of course not good for you – this can lead to eating disorders that are very dangerous to your health.

If you have recently noticed that you have no or a greatly increased appetite, you should also take a look at your workload. She can be the trigger.

By the way: Please leave the diet at times of high exertion: Scientists have been able to prove that reducing calories can help Increase in cortisol leads – our stress hormone. And your body really doesn't need any additional stress now.

Sign # 4: relationship problems

No, not every problem in the partnership can be traced back to overwork. But we often underestimate the influence ours have Job satisfaction on our relationship may have.

If we are overworked, we react more irritated. Our patience hangs by a thread: we are more critical, less positive and annoyed faster. We also tend to ask more of the partner. We are tired, powerless and therefore need a lot of attention and practical help. Often we subconsciously demand more, but can give less themselves due to overwork. And then it becomes dangerous for the partnership – it then has to bear the consequences of the individual overexertion.

Sign # 5: abdominal pain

Of course, epigastric problems can have many causes. In addition to intolerance and inflammation are also very common Worry and stress responsible for uncomfortable abdominal pain. The stomach, small and large intestines are largely made up of muscles. If we are overworked, the internal tension lead to cramping of these muscles. We notice this through an uncomfortable feeling of pressure in the abdominal area.

Sign # 6: Outbursts of anger

Has a lot been upsetting you lately? In times of severe overwork we lack the restto stand over in case of difficulties. Even a very even-tempered person often gets angry. When we are overworked we become very vulnerable because we react offended faster. The batteries are simply empty – there is not enough power and energy to weigh every situation properly.

Sign # 7: listlessness

Nothing really motivates you anymore. You have the Lost fun at work. You work because you have to work. Are you familiar with that? These feelings also speak in favor of a clear revision. What you used to enjoy doing has now become a burden for you. The lack of work motivation has been with you for some time and doesn't seem to be getting better.

Revised? What helps against overwork

If you've noticed any of these signs in yourself, you should act now. No matter which important job project is still pending: your health and well-being take priority!

The following tips can help now:

  • Take vacation: Do not postpone the days off until summer because then the summer vacation is waiting. Your body now needs rest and a break
  • Stand for it: Many of us know the feeling of being overworked. You are not alone – share yourself with others for support
  • Conversations with the boss: Work processes may have to be redesigned so that you no longer feel so overwhelmed.
  • Searching for help: A coach or psychological counseling can help you learn how to better deal with tension and pressure.
  • Schedule more me time: Stand for what you need – even if you have to say no more often.

Do less: In the near future, you will need a break from tasks and requirements. If you feel better, you can tackle several to-dos again.

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