Richard Berry accused of domestic violence by his ex-partner Catherine Hiegel

The French actress Catherine Hiegel, mother of Coline Berry, denounces the domestic violence committed by Richard Berry while they were in a relationship.

Guillaume Gaffiot /Bestimage

In February 2021, Coline Berry, eldest daughter of Richard Berry, filed a complaint against her father and her stepmother, singer Jeane Manson, for rape, sexual assault and corruption of a minor. Facts which allegedly took place when the girl was 8 years old.

The case was dismissed due to statute of limitations in September 2022. Coline Berry appealed and was then herself sued by singer Jeane Manson for defamation. The judgment was reserved until July 17.

At the same time, the actress Catherine Hiegel, the mother of Coline Berry, today denounces the domestic violence committed by Richard Berry, some of which while she was pregnant with their daughter.

In a publication on the Instagram account “After the violence”, by photographer Mark Melki, the 77-year-old actress poses with the following message in front of her: “He bangs my head against the sink, sewn up at the arch; several slaps of course… The last one, seven months pregnant, explodes my eardrum. Coline turns over in my stomach. Sentenced to a cesarean. I didn’t filed a complaint, I left him!”

Catherine Hiegel indicates that she did not file a complaint at the time but decides today, in the middle of French #MeToo, to make her voice heard. This is the first time that the actress has spoken in this way about the violence committed in the mid-70s by the actor.

Violence corroborated by Coline Berry and her cousin Marilou Berry in the columns of Paris Match and recognized by Richard Berry himself in 2021 in the newspaper The world.

Catherine Hiegel’s photo comes from a series of photos of victims of domestic violence. If some victims agreed to show themselves with their faces uncovered, others preferred that celebrities pose in their place as is the case for Anna Mouglalis for Henriette, Anissa Bonnefont for Séverine, Bruno Solo for Pascale or even the host Nagui posing for M and her son G.

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