Richard Gasquet can no longer bear the comparison with Nadal: he tells everything in We are live

Indeed, Richard Gasquet had beaten Rafael Nadal at the age of 13 at the Petits As tournament. But since then, he has not won a single victory against him and has always ended up losing in the 17 matches between them. For the tennis player ranked 7th in the world, very frank and very touching, this comparison with Rafael Nadal is “a bit tiring and a bit difficult” to live. “I am still very proud of the career I have made.” he adds (rightly).

To recall his (brilliant and numerous) exploits, Laurent Ruquier did not hesitate to recall that he had been world number 1 among juniors in 2002 and placed in seventh place in the world after having been titled fifteen times in singles on the ATP circuit. Richard Gasquet also won the Davis Cup and the Hopman Cup in 2017 but also the bronze medal at the London Olympics in 2012 alongside Julien Benneteau. A wonderful track record!

And as if to prove that he has no bitterness or jealousy with Rafael Nadal, Richard Gasquet even offered to write the preface to his autobiographical work.

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