Richard Lugner: These celebrities got married at an advanced age

Richard Lugner
These celebrities got married at an advanced age

At the weddings of Rupert Murdoch, Anna Nicole Smith and Richard Lugner (from left to right), one of the spouses was older than 85.

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Love and happiness can be found at any age. In the following celebrity marriages, the groom was over 85 years old.

Media mogul Rupert Murdoch (93) and building contractor Richard “Mörtel” Lugner (91) both married on June 1st of this year. Another thing the Australian media entrepreneur and the well-known Austrian have in common: Both entered into the marriage at a very old age. In the following five celebrity weddings, the groom was older than 85 years.

Anna Nicole Smith marries 89-year-old J. Howard Marshall

In 1994, the “Playboy” model Anna Nicole Smith (1967-2007) caused a stir. The then 26-year-old married the Texan oil magnate J. Howard Marshall (1905-1995), who was born in 1905. In the Netflix documentary “Anna Nicole Smith: You Don’t Know Me” reports a close friend The starlet, who died in 2007, said that Smith and Marshall met in the late 1980s in a strip club where the future bride was dancing.

The groom, who was said to have been one of the wealthiest men in the USA, died just 14 months after the marriage – and a legal dispute over the inheritance broke out between Anna Nicole Smith and her stepson E. Pierce Marshall (1939-2006).

86-year-old Dick Van Dyke marries Arlene Silver

At the proud age of 86, US entertainer Dick Van Dyke (98) married make-up artist Arlene Silver in 2012. Van Dyke, who starred in the original “Mary Poppins” film from 1964, was married once before – from 1948 to 1984.

The 98-year-old met his current wife behind the scenes at an awards ceremony. They started talking while Silver was powdering his nose. “He is the most perfect person. I have never met anyone who is so happy, so genuine, so amazing. He is just like a happy pill,” said makeup artist Silver about her husband.

Freddy Quinn says “yes” at 91

It has only been a little over a year since the wedding of pop legend Freddy Quinn (92). The “Junge, komm bald wieder” singer tied the knot for the first time in 1956, but his wife Lilli Blessmann (1918-2008) died in 2008.

At his second wedding with divorcee Rosi Nidl-Petz, whom he is said to have known for 30 years, 91-year-old Quinn joked according to “Bild” newspaper to the registrar: “Please speak loudly – I don’t have my hearing aid in.”

Richard “Mörtel” Lugner marries his “Bienchen”

Austrian construction mogul Richard Lugner has been married a little more often than Van Dyke and Quinn. His wedding to Simone Reiländer (42) last weekend was the sixth for “Mörtel”.

The building contractor, who is particularly known for his celebrity accompaniments to the Vienna Opera Ball such as Jane Fonda (86) or Priscilla Presley (79), gave his wife Reiländer the nickname “Bienchen”. She thus follows previous lovers and wives such as “Spatzi”, “Hasi”, “Katzi” or “Kolibri”. The wedding was broadcast live in several Austrian media.

Rupert Murdoch: Fifth wedding at 93

Australian media mogul Rupert Murdoch is just as experienced as Lugner when it comes to marriages. The News Corp and Fox Corporation founder has married four times so far. After wanting to marry Ann Lesley Smith (67), the widow of country singer Chester Smith (1930-2008), last year, but the wedding was cancelled, Murdoch According to a report by “Vanity Fair” After canceling the deal just two weeks later, he now married retired Russian molecular biologist Elena Zhukova (67), making her his fifth wife.


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