Right of public access also in Germany: 1Nite Tent

The 1Nite Tent platform lives from the community, so mutual respect is of the utmost importance. In the case of negative experiences, it can happen that providers simply delete their advertisements again.

You should therefore not simply appear there unannounced or at short notice – most advertisements require prior notification by telephone or e-mail. You will find this information immediately after clicking on a marker, including further details on washing and shopping facilities in the vicinity.

If possible, discuss the following points in advance:

  • Arrival day and time
  • Departure day and time
  • Number of people and tents
  • Parking spaces for bicycles
  • Possibilities for hygiene and toilet
  • Meals (and possibly contribution towards expenses)
  • night rest

You can get a better impression of whether the chemistry is right over the phone. If you have a good feeling, then nothing stands in the way of your tent adventure.

As always, don’t leave rubbish behind, don’t make unnecessary noise and treat other people’s property with respect.

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