Activision-Blizzard has occupied the media scene so much lately that we almost forget (so to speak) that Riot Games also involved in legal harassment cases. In 2018, a lawsuit was initiated against the giant behind League of Legends, accused of sexual discrimination, in addition to harassment. If for a time it was a question of settling this amicably with a sum of $ 10 million in compensation, the score is ultimately a little higher.
Compensation 10 times higher than expected
The Washington Post then reports that a new arrangement has been found, much more in favor of the victims. After trying to negotiate the $ 10 million, Riot Games was blocked by the DFEH (the California Department of Equal Opportunities), asking that instead $ 400 million be paid for the victims.
So another agreement recently fell between the DFEH, some of the victims and the DLSE (a division responsible for overseeing labor standards in California), as well as Riot Games. The latter must therefore pay $ 100 million, of which $ 80 million will be distributed among all the plaintiffs.. The remaining 20 million will go into the pocket of lawyers and will be used to reimburse all the legal costs of the victims (remember that the case spans more than three years, which explains such costs).
In the process, Riot Games promises to improve its working environment, by putting in place more egalitarian measures between the genders, in particular by integrating obligatorily a woman or a member of an under-represented community in the juries in charge of the jobs.
Let’s hope that all these changes will take place, while waiting for more drastic measures to be taken in other companies as well, Activision in the lead.
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