Riots after demonstration – “Black Bloc” plays cat and mouse with police

After the calm demonstration in front of the Academic Ball in the Vienna Hofburg, there was friction between participants in the so-called “Black Bloc” and the executive. Two people were stopped and Bengal fires were lit.

After the actual demonstration, which was registered with the police, there was a spontaneous rally near the Vienna City Hall. Bengali fires were lit, loud chants rang out. Two masked people were stopped by police. Pictures of the demonstration: The demonstrators then marched through the city, accompanied by the police. At around 9.30 p.m. the crowd dispersed noticeably, only a few small groups could be seen. You can find out what happened at and around the Academic Ball 2024 here in the live ticker: Kickl and Vilimsky not there FPÖ boss Herbert Kickl takes how usually not part. EU leading candidate Harald Vilimsky is also staying away from the Hofburg despite the “super election year” of 2024. Annual protests against the ball The ball has been repeatedly accompanied by sometimes violent protests in the past. In 2014 in particular, there was a lot of damage to property and a significant number of injured demonstrators and police officers. In the years that followed, however, the situation calmed down significantly.
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