Riots after the death of Nahel: what sanction in the event of non-compliance with curfews?

Anger has been brewing in France since the tragic death of Nahel M., a 17-year-old young man who was killed by police shooting during a roadside check in Nanterre (Hauts-de-Seine), Tuesday June 27, 2023. On the night of Saturday July 1 to Sunday July 2, news urban violence broke out in several cities in France despite the mobilization of 45,000 police and gendarmes. A total of 719 people were arrested nationwide, including 194 in Paris and 65 in Marseille. On Twitter, Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin welcomed a night “calmer thanks to the resolute action of the police”. Several municipalities have also decided to stem new breakages and brawls with the establishment of a curfew this week-end.

In Île-de-France in particular, several cities have thus decided to limit night traffic this week-end. In Clamart, this exceptional device was applied only to certain neighborhoods. In Savigny-le-Temple, the curfew targeted minors only, the latter must be accompanied by an adult. Ditto in Dourdan: “Any minor may not, without being accompanied by one of his legal representatives, circulate, from 9 p.m. to 6 a.m. on the urbanized part of the municipality of Dourdan”, indicated the city on its site. This is also the case in Garges-lès-Gonesse, in Val-d’Oise, where the town hall was burned down. “I think it would be important to set up a curfew and that’s what we’re going to do in our city, from 6:30 p.m., that’s the end of after-school care and nurseries“, indicated the mayor, Benoît Jimenez, to france info. And beware of people who do not respect this curfew established through municipal decrees since the fine for offenders can be up to 150 euros!

Parents of underage rioters called to account

Several cities in France have decided to introduce a curfew only for under 18s. It must be said that among those arrested in recent days are a large number of minors. “There are violent and equipped organized groups, but also many young people. It is the responsibility of the parents to keep them at home. It is important for everyone’s peace of mind that parental responsibility can be fully exercised”, announced Emmanuel Macron during an interministerial crisis unit organized on Friday June 30, 2023. And to add firmly: “I appeal to the sense of responsibility of mothers and fathers of families. The Republic is not intended to replace them.

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