Riots: Macron points to video games and social networks … to divert attention?

Alexander Schmid

June 30, 2023 at 4:45 p.m.


Riots smartphone social networks © Midjourney for

© Midjourney for Clubic

scenes worthy of call of duty or of GTA in the streets of France, according to Internet users on Snapchat, TikTok and others. The opportunity is great for Emmanuel Macron to tackle video games and social networks.

The art of shifting the debate and creating a diversion. After an interministerial crisis meeting, Emmanuel Macron targeted video games and social networks to explain the revolts raging in France.

The return of video games that “intoxicate” young people

Like many other political figures before him, the President of the Republic in turn attacks gaming, cultivating the idea that its practice can make people violent and change our behavior. ” We have the feeling that some live in the street the video games that have intoxicated them “said the Head of State.

On the other hand, he refrained from commenting on the social situation of the country he leads, yet a source of anger, and prefers to send his ministers to discuss the problems of police violence.

Since the modification of a law in February 2017, under François Hollande, the police are authorized to use their firearm in the event of refusal to comply, but on one condition: if the occupants of the vehicle “ are likely to perpetrate, in their flight, attacks on their life or their physical integrity or those of others “.

Emmanuel Macron © Pauline van Dam / Shutterstock

© Pauline van Dam / Shutterstock

Snapchat and TikTok also in the viewfinder

A text with a very broad and imprecise definition, which opens the door to abuse, believe some legal experts. According to France infothe number of police shootings against moving vehicles has increased since this legislative change, and there are on average five times more people killed by police shootings in these situations.

Emmanuel Macron also referred social networks to their responsibilities, calling on platforms to moderate and delete content ” the most sensitive “. Snapchat and TikTok are mainly targeted. Very popular among young people, the algorithms of these services highlight many viral videos promoting brutal actions.

He clarified that the authorities would require social networks to collaborate in order to identify individuals sharing content “ to call for disorder or to exacerbate violence “.

Sources: BFM TV, France info

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