Riots, “return of authority”, ecology, education … What to remember from Emmanuel Macron’s speech

Emmanuel Macron, visiting New Caledonia, speaks on Monday in an interview with TF1 and France 2. Among the topics discussed: the 100 days, a political axis decided by the Head of State last April, which was to make it possible to appease the country, as well as the reshuffle, decided last week which notably reappointed Prime Minister Élisabeth Borne as head of government.

After the riots, Emmanuel Macron advocates “order, order, order”

Emmanuel Macron advocated Monday “order, order, order” and the “return of authority at every level” after the urban violence in France almost a month ago, in his television interview from New Caledonia. From “this violence which led to the burning of town halls, gymnasiums, libraries” and this “violence of looting”, “the lesson I draw from it is ‘order, order, order'”, declared the President of the Republic on TF1 and France 2.

“Order must prevail. There is no freedom without order, it is republican order and a return to calm,” he insisted. According to the Head of State, “our country needs a return of authority at every level and first in the family”. He said he was talking about “authority at school, authority of elected officials, of our security forces”.

“This is the whole site that I want to be able to open at the end of the summer, that of parental authority, it is not up to National Education, even less to the police to solve the problem”, judged Emmanuel Macron. “We must empower certain families, we must also support other families who are in distress and we must reinvest massively in our youth to give them a framework,” he said. The Head of State also pinned the “social networks”, pleading for “a digital public order which makes it possible to prevent these overflows”.

Faced with the wave of sick leave among Marseille police, Macron says he understands the “emotion” of the police, but “no one in the Republic is above the law”

While the city of Marseille is shaken by a wave of sick leave among the police, who are protesting against the conditions of detention of a BAC police officer accused of having left a man for dead on the sidelines of the riots, Emmanuel Macron explained to understand “the emotion” of the police. But he however recalled that “no one in the Republic was above the law”, refusing to comment on the controversial remarks of the boss of the DGPN who considered that a police officer “has no place in prison”.

The “legitimacy” of the police “is due to the fact that they protect the republican framework and that they enforce democratically passed laws”, replied the President of the Republic on TF1 and France 2. “Of course, they themselves are part of the law and the rule of law”, he underlined. Emmanuel Macron was questioned on the statements of Frédéric Veaux, director general of the national police (DGPN), who on Sunday wanted the release of a Marseille BAC policeman imprisoned as part of an investigation into police violence committed on the sidelines of the recent riots.

“It is a decision which was taken by a magistrate and therefore I will not comment on it”, explained the head of state, recalling that he is “the guarantor of the institutions and also of the independence of the judicial authority”.

“There is no spare majority” in the Assembly, says Macron

“There is no spare majority” in the Assembly, where the presidential camp only has a relative majority, said Emmanuel Macron on Monday, who also “does not believe in “formal” government coalitions.

“There were sometimes days with and there were also days without” but “the government has moved forward, decided, passed texts, been efficient, which justifies this choice of confidence for Madam Prime Minister, and efficiency”, added the President of the Republic in a television interview broadcast on TF1 and France 2 from Noumea.

Macron has “good hope” that the oppositions “help to build a text”

Emmanuel Macron said he had “good hope” that the “republican” oppositions “help to build a text” on immigration, suggesting that he would not rule out using 49.3 to have it adopted, in the name of “efficiency”.

“I have good hope that the Republican oppositions who want the country to be better protected within its borders, (…), and better integrate those who are there and help the Nation to succeed, that in good faith, they will help us to build a text”, affirmed the President of the Republic in an interview on TF1 and France 2. resort to Article 49.3 which allows the adoption of a text without a vote.

There will be “a teacher in front of each class” at the start of the school year assures the Head of State

President Emmanuel Macron reaffirmed on Monday that there would be “a teacher in front of each class” at the start of the school year, thanks to “a series of small revolutions”, which go through training reform and better remuneration.

The Head of State quoted on France 2 and TF1, from Nouméa where he is visiting this week, the “teacher pact”, which provides on a voluntary basis for the replacement of absent teachers by their colleagues in exchange for better remuneration and added that the National Education “continues to recruit” contract workers to ensure the start of the school year.

“A proportionate decision” on the increase in electricity prices

Emmanuel Macron considered that the new 10% increase in regulated electricity prices on August 1 was a “proportionate decision”, recalling that the “taxpayer pays what the consumer does not pay”. “This summer increase” is “important for many of our compatriots who are already in difficulty but I think it is a proportionate decision”.

“The increase in energy prices” is an “external tax which is due to many geopolitical phenomena and market disturbances which are now stabilizing”, recalled the Head of State.

“The nation has invested around 40 billion euros to absorb this shock but it is somewhere the taxpayer (…) who pays what the consumer does not pay”, he insisted. According to him, “when we look at the neighboring European countries, we will have increased the electricity in our country much less than in most of the neighbors”.

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