Rising rates: the new value of money transforms the economic landscape

According to the Banque de France, a 1% increase in interest rates would cost the French budget 40 billion per year over the next ten years. Sutthiphong – stock.adobe.com

Highly indebted individuals, businesses and states will suffer from the new environment.

Remuneration of the booklet A raised to 3% last week, against 0.5% at the end of 2021, rate of the popular savings account pushed to 6% versus 1% a year ago. The landscape of French savings is rapidly being recomposed. Households who had abandoned in recent years, due to crushed rates, a good part of their savings on unpaid bank deposits, will ask themselves again the question of the investments to choose. Competition between the suppliers of savings products promises to be fierce to try to capture these tens of billions of euros which are expected to be in motion.

Since July 2022, the European Central Bank (ECB) has increased its key rates to respond to soaring inflation. However, the consequences of this readjustment go far beyond the framework of the fight against the waltz in prices. It guides the decisions of all economic players and will cause structural changes, of which we are still only seeing the beginnings. Concretely…

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