Rituals for the beauty sleep


Our body and the skin recover best at night. But how many hours are enough, which evening care benefits the look? And what to do if we are often awake?

Did you know that we overslept about a third of our lives? What a waste of time, you might think now. But the opposite is true: We gain from the slumber hours of quality of life and health. Especially in the deep sleep phase, when the muscle tension is almost completely shut down, the entire organism recovers, repair processes are in progress everywhere.

At night, our skin is particularly good at absorbing active ingredients – moisture in the evening makes us look fresh in the morning!

Let’s have a look at the nocturnal peace as a beauty sleepBecause our skin no longer has to protect itself against attacks from the outside, it can recover and regenerate. Skin cells, which form the barrier against germs during the day, are formed freshly, damages in the lower skin layers are compensated. The temperature rises, the blood circulation in the finest vessels increases, the pores widen. Good creams can now be particularly intense. Anything that soothes and helps fight inflammatory processes, and anything that retains moisture, is doing well now. At night, the skin is drier anyway (even in younger years); In addition, in the late years, it becomes thinner and thinner, and moisturizing factors such as hyaluronic acid can no longer reproduce itself so well. Therefore: Apply a moisture-fleece mask before going to bed and massage the active ingredients well into the skin after losing weight,

The sleeping position influences the formation of wrinkles: Why do the drowsiness awake significantly wrinkle-free

Speaking of which, there is an interesting beauty observation on the topic of snaffolds. Those who prefer to rest on the left or right side for the longest time have deeper lines in the morning on this half of their face. These are lines that are not created by facial expressions – and do not significantly wrinkle during the day. They have their origin (like the folds in the middle of the cleavage) in the diminishing elasticity of the skin, the effect of gravity and of course the years of pressure exerted on the sides of the face during side sleep. Back wrinkles should wake up significantly wrinkle free. But nobody spends the night without stirring. Except in the deep sleep phase when everyone is lying still, we turn from the back to the abdomen, to the left side, back to the back, to the right side … 30 to 80 times, Researchers have determined, we change the position at night. And we wake up almost as often in the night. However, we do not remember these waking phases and they do not leave any tiredness behind.

Sleep problems are disturbed: What can you do if you just can not fall asleep?

Matt and exhausted only makes a sleep deficit. This often occurs when sleep simply does not want to stop – tired muscles, but wide awake the mind. One reason for this can be medication, especially for long-term use always shortly before bedtime. But sleep disorders usually have other causes: excitement, worry or hunger (which activates the wake center), and also the annoyed waiting for sleep. Because internal pressure pushes the stress hormone cortisol. In addition to restlessness, it promotes inflammatory reactions in the skin, as well as their dryness. Excitement is therefore completely harmful to a well-rested appearance. But what to do when the hours pass by? Stay calm, if necessary get up and do something reassuring, advise sleep scientists like Professor Ingo Fietze of the Berlin Charité.

From temperature to bedtime – What are the best sleeping conditions?

Falling asleep also promotes much sleep comfort. These include a room temperature of about 18 degrees, a supportive mattress (best to buy a new one every ten years), an appealing feel-good atmosphere and a reasonably regular sleep-wake routine – so take the last larger meal at least two hours before bedtime, every evening slip into bed at about the same time and hop out of bed in the morning. According to the organic rhythms of the body (which are based, among other things, on the position of the sun), the start into the day around seven o’clock is optimal. You should go to bed between 22 and 23 o’clock. Then the prospect of good sleep quality with enough restful deep sleep and dream phases is optimal.

The little helpers of everyday life that promote healthy sleep

Evening tiredness favors a soothing sleep-ritual. Some sleep happier when they make sure they have a notebook and pen by the bed. For thoughts that are so urgent that they could prevent sheep counting. Some slip into warm sleeping socks, others put on a cup of herbal tea with lemon balm, lavender, hops, valerian or passionflower – proven to be little helpers who promote healthy sleep. Stupid only if, despite all precautions in the morning, far too early in the morning wake up. Just do not stress, just get up and start the day. And in the afternoon half an hour’s sleep, but no longer! Such a “power-mapping” gives energy, as well as the pre-sleep before a long, merry night.

3 tips for relaxation:

And everything is in the breath

A relaxation technique from yoga: Hold the right nostril and breathe for a few minutes only through the left, the relaxed. Breathing through the right nostril is stimulating.

Ritual in the evening

A scented candle lights up: Harmonizing, soothing scents act like an aromatherapeutic sandman. Lavender is particularly intense, it directly stimulates the sleep center.

Early bird against the will?

Then use the morning to pamper yourself – with a massage with invigorating body lotion. The lack of sleep you catch up with a power nap at noon.