Robbie Williams: Is the Take That star getting thinner?

Robbie Williams
Is the Take That star getting thinner?

Robbie Williams is causing a stir among his fans with a new Instagram clip.

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In a video, pop star Robbie Williams shows himself with significantly fewer kilos on his ribs. Not all of his fans are enthusiastic about it.

Ayda Field (43) probably did not expect these reactions when she on Instagram a video of her husband Robbie Williams (49) posted. In the short clip you can see the scandal-ridden pop star walking around in a good mood – only dressed in stylish Louis Vuitton shorts, a pink smiley face baseball cap and flip-flops. At the end of the video, one of his children throws him a ball, which he routinely bounces off his amazingly toned stomach.

“Robbie looks so skinny now”

Basically, the little film is just a harmless family video that shows the former Take That singer in the best of moods and form. Still, Field’s post apparently caused concern for numerous fans. “Oh. Robbie looks so skinny now,” some commented, while others added, “Way too skinny!” Other followers saw it more calmly and were happy that Williams seems to be in good shape again. Still others wondered why users wrote about the singer’s weight at all.

“It’s a constant struggle”

Only at the end of last year did Williams in an interview with the British “The Sun” about his years of weight ups and downs and its background. There he said: “I’ve lost weight, but it’s a constant struggle. There’s a huge human being inside me.” The fact that he constantly has to work on his weight has to do with his disposition. “My whole being and my whole body wants me to go in the opposite direction and be morbidly obese.”

The fact that Williams is currently as slim as he was in Take That times probably has something to do with the preparations for his current tour, with which he is celebrating his 25th anniversary as a solo artist. In line with the tour, his best-of album “XXV” was released in September last year.


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