Rockets fired from Crimea: Four injured in Russian attack on Odessa

Missiles fired from Crimea
Four injured in Russian attack on Odessa

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During the night, Russian armed forces again bombarded the Ukrainian port city of Odessa with rockets. A residential building and a grain warehouse are damaged. In view of these attacks, President Zelensky wants to strengthen the country’s air defense.

The southern Ukrainian port city of Odessa was the target of Russian missile attacks overnight. A residential building and a grain warehouse were hit, Ukrainian media reported this morning. According to local authorities, four people were injured. The Russian military had fired Oniks-type missiles, which are usually used against maritime targets, from launch sites on the occupied Crimean peninsula.

In view of these Russian attacks, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is calling for the rapid strengthening of Ukrainian air defense. Ukraine’s energy system in particular needs to be better protected for the winter. “It is very important to win this winter, overcome all difficulties and provide protection to our people,” Zelensky said in his daily video address.

Last fall and winter, Russia massively attacked the neighboring country’s energy infrastructure and plunged many Ukrainians into cold and darkness for months. Russia’s leadership always repeats its mistakes and evils. “And when they don’t succeed in something, they think that they probably haven’t done enough evil to succeed,” Zelensky said. He was therefore convinced that Russia would bombard the energy system even more this winter than last year.

According to the Ukrainian president, the country is better prepared for such attacks this time – among other things thanks to the anti-aircraft defenses supplied by the West. In this context, he thanked Chancellor Olaf Scholz for agreeing to another Patriot system. But he also called on the regional authorities to stabilize the power grid in order to be able to better cope with individual hits.

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