Rough elbows? They will be tender in 10 minutes

Rough elbows
Your elbows will be soft to the touch in 10 minutes

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Unfortunately, we can hardly avoid rough elbows in winter. We’ll tell you which home remedies will make your elbows softer than ever!

The rough skin on our elbows requires special attention. But often the desired effect is missing despite moisturizing body lotion and rich oils. but why are our elbows so sensitive anyway?

Why does the skin on the elbow dry out so often?

There are different Causes of dry and sore elbows. These include:

  • If we support ourselves a lot, for example when writing or eating, the skin is put under a lot of strain.
  • Frequent washing can also be a problem because the water dries out the skin. Shower gels can also pull the natural fat out of the skin.
  • In addition, there is generally little fat accumulation on the elbows.
  • Even when it’s cold, we tend to have dry skin because less sebum is produced in the sebum glands. Therefore, dry patches and generally rough elbows are a problem, especially in winter.

Lemon is the best home remedy for sore elbows

A great home remedy for rough skin on the elbows is lemon. Halve the lemon and squeeze both halves. Now support yourself with your elbows in one of the lemon halves for about 10 minutes. Why does this work? The fruit acid contained in the lemon softens the upper, rough calluses. Wash your skin carefully after the time has elapsed! After that, all you have to do is dry your elbows and spoil them with a moisturizing cream.

More home remedies for sore elbows

Also these three home remedies make buttery elbows:

  1. Heat 2 tablespoons of meadow blossom honey in a water bath at a maximum of 40 degrees and mix with 1 tablespoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice. Apply to the rough area and leave on for about 30 minutes. Then rinse off.
  2. Mix the peeling with 2 tablespoons of sea salt and 1 tablespoon of olive oil and rub it onto your elbows with gentle, circular movements.
  3. Gently rub a piece of pineapple flesh over your elbows and rinse off after about five minutes.

Very important: After each treatment we should cream the elbows. Otherwise the fruit acid will attack the skin and make it even drier than before.

When should raw elbows be clarified by a doctor?

A good indication of the condition of the skin on the elbows is their color. If the skin is only slightly dry, it is usually slightly whitish in color and feels brittle and rough. Later, the discoloration becomes darker and the skin itches or feels tight. Now it needs very careful care – it is best to ask the pharmacy for advice on which products are most suitable for your skin. If visible inflammation finally occurs, which is noticeable, for example, through swollen and reddened skin, a doctor should be consulted.


  • Minor I.: Dual Series – Dermatology, Georg Thieme Verlag, 8th edition, 2016
  • Achenbach, RK: “The great TRIAS guide – skin, hair, nails”, Georg Thieme Verlag, 4th edition, 2021


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