Rougier: 2023 operating margin up

( — The 2023 turnover of Rougier stands at 98.9 ME, down -4% compared to a high comparison base in 2022, which was up +54.9%.

EBITDA only decreased by -0.4 ME to stand at 15.2 ME, or 15.4% of turnover, compared to 15.1% of turnover in 2022.

This development is mainly explained by the good performance of the gross margin, resulting from the decline in trading activity, and by the control of variable costs in a context of relative stability of fixed costs.

Current operating profit amounts to €6.1 million, up +10.8% compared to the previous year. The current operating margin rate thus stands at 6.1% of turnover, compared to 5.3% in 2022.


Operating profit amounted to 6.4 ME, compared to 9.5 ME last year. In 2022, the operating profit took into account a reversal of loss of value on the assets in Gabon for an amount of 3.8 ME.

The consolidated net profit stands at 5.1 ME, of which 3.5 ME is Group share.

Consolidated equity amounts to 21.1 ME compared to 16 ME as of December 31, 2022, an increase of +31.9%.

Consolidated net financial debt as of December 31, 2023 amounts to €10 million, it represents 47.7% of shareholders’ equity as of December 31, 2023 compared to 57% a year earlier.

In Gabon, the initiatives taken by the transitional authorities in view of the next elections scheduled for 2025 are helping to restore a more serene business climate.

While in the Republic of Congo, Mokabi should confirm its recovery, after two years of profitable results.

This strategy should enable Rougier to stabilize the growth of its profitable activities in a declining commercial context in 2024.

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