RSA: who can touch it? : Current Woman Le MAG

The active solidarity income (RSA) represents the minimum allowance intended for the most precarious incomes and job seekers. Paid monthly by the Family Allowance Fund (Caf), it is above all conditional on a minimum amount of monthly resources.

What assets are eligible for RSA?

The RSA is accessible to all French citizens over the age of 25 residing at least 9 months per year on French territory, as well as to European nationals residing in France for at least three years and registered with Pôle emploi. An exemption is however possible for young people aged 18 to 24 if they are young parents or single parents. The RSA can also be paid to non-European nationals who have held a residence permit for at least 5 years or a resident card, as well as to refugees or stateless persons. The RSA does not require professional activity and is subject to a resource ceiling depending on your personal situation, which will also impact the amount that will be paid to the beneficiary.

What new commitment provisions are required to receive the RSA?

Previously granted under conditions of resources only, the RSA saw its allocation tighten according to the provisions of the law of December 18, 2023 for full employment, the famous Labor law of the Borne government. Although paid by the CAF, the RSA will now require, from January 1, 2025, compulsory registration of the beneficiary with France Travail, the successor to Pôle emploi. This registration will be accompanied by the signing of an “engagement contract” intended for an action plan for professional reintegration into full-time employment. This contract should involve a personal investment of around fifteen hours per week, the terms of which have not yet been precisely set.

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