RTL / ntv trend barometer: Almost a third is in favor of cannabis approval

RTL / ntv trend barometer
Almost a third is for cannabis approval

With a possible traffic light coalition, the debate about the legalization of cannabis is picking up speed again. The majority of the population is critical of this, according to the trend barometer from RTL and ntv. Still, hardly anyone wants to ban the drug entirely.

According to a survey, 30 percent of citizens would support a general legalization of cannabis. On the other hand, 59 percent of those surveyed are of the opinion that it should only be allowed as a medicinal product, as the trend barometer from RTL and ntv shows. Seven percent say the sale and use of cannabis should be banned in general. The polling institute Forsa interviewed a good 1000 people for the survey in mid-October.

For medical purposes, cannabis has been allowed in Germany since 2017 and can be prescribed by doctors, for example to relieve pain in the seriously ill. Young people are most likely to be in favor of general legalization: among 14 to 29 year olds it is 39 percent, among 30 to 44 year olds even 41 percent. In addition, supporters of the Greens (48 percent) and leftists (50 percent) are in favor. Those surveyed who believe that it should only be allowed to sell and consume medicinal products are dominated by people over the age of 60: 71 percent in their group are in favor. This view is particularly widespread among supporters of the SPD (69 percent), Union (65 percent) and AfD (61 percent).

Against the background of exploratory talks for a possible coalition of the SPD, the Greens and the FDP, the debate about the legalization of cannabis in Germany had recently picked up speed again. The FDP and the Greens are in favor of legalizing cannabis and “selling it in licensed specialty shops”.

The SPD, on the other hand, advocates a “regulated charge” to adults, initially in model projects that are accompanied by prevention and counseling offers. In the result paper of the explorations, which is the basis for the coalition negotiations of the traffic light parties, the issue does not play a role.

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