RTL/ntv trend barometer: Union on top, SPD continues to fall behind

RTL/ntv trend barometer
Union on top, SPD falls further behind

The chancellor party SPD does not manage to catch up with the Union. In the trend barometer, it falls below 20 percent again. When it comes to the economy, Germans are more gloomy about the future than they have been for 30 years.

The SPD does not succeed in closing the gap to the Union in terms of voter favor, on the contrary: In the current RTL/ntv trend barometer, it slips below the 20 percent mark again and remains clearly in third place, while the Greens maintain their position as pursuers claim of the Union. The FDP also loses one percentage point, while the left and the other parties gain slightly.

If there were federal elections on Sunday, the Union would get 26 percent (federal election 2021: 24.1 percent) of the votes, the Greens would reach 24 percent (14.8 percent). The SPD would be elected by 19 percent of Germans (25.7), the AfD by 9 percent (10.3 percent). The FDP would get 7 percent of the vote (11.5 percent), the left would get 5 percent (4.9 percent).

The other parties together could collect 10 percent of the votes (8.7 percent). The proportion of non-voters and undecided would be 22 percent and thus slightly below the proportion of non-voters in the federal election (23.4 percent).

If the Federal Chancellor were elected directly, 43 percent of all eligible voters would vote for Olaf Scholz and 17 percent for Friedrich Merz, as in the previous week. This value also remains constant. Of the SPD supporters, 86 percent would vote for Scholz, while Friedrich Merz would get 48 percent of the votes from the supporters of the CDU/CSU.

In the question of political competence, the Greens have been at the top of the ranking, as they have been since the beginning of May. They lose two percentage points and come to 21 percent approval in the trend barometer. However, the distance to the other parties remains large. Only 11 percent of those surveyed believe that the SPD would be the best at dealing with the problems in Germany, while 10 percent attribute this competence to the Union.

2 percent expect the FDP to be the best at solving the problems in Germany, 52 percent do not believe that any of the parties surveyed is capable of doing so.

With regard to economic developments, Germans have not been as pessimistic about their future in any Forsa survey since the 1990s as they were this week. 80 percent of people expect economic conditions in Germany to deteriorate. In the previous week it was still 75 percent, at the beginning of the year only 51 percent believed it.

Even during the corona lockdown, the euro crisis, the stock market crash and the Lehman bankruptcy, the prospects were not as bad as they are now, according to Germans. 9 percent expect an improvement, 10 percent of those surveyed believe that the situation will not change.

The data was collected by the market and opinion research institute Forsa on behalf of RTL Germany from July 5 to 11, 2022. Database: 2502 respondents. Statistical error tolerance: +/- 2.5 percentage points.

More information about Forsa here.

Forsa surveys commissioned by RTL Germany.

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