RTX 3090 Ti: Has Nvidia just forgotten its new graphics card king?

Did Nvidia oversleep? The graphics card leader actually wanted to provide more information about the RTX 3090 Ti over the course of January – but there has been radio silence since the CES a few weeks ago. Are there problems with the new graphics card king?

RTX 3090 Ti: Nvidia is silent

Months ago, the rumor mill assumed that Nvidia would upgrade the RTX 3090. At CES 2022, the time had come: the were presented in a live stream new RTX 3090 Ti and promised viewers back then that more would be revealed about the new top-of-the-line graphics card over the course of the month.

It’s February now – and there’s no sign of a statement from Nvidia. No announcement via email, no official blog entry – nothing. Nvidia remains silentbut the rumor mill has been bubbling all the more since then.

Nvidia’s partners are said to have been encouraged by the company to to put the production of their custom models on hold for the time being. According to some inside information, there appeared to be some issues with the card’s hardware and BIOS (source: videocardz). It is not known whether these have since been resolved. But even then, it will probably still be a few days before the manufacturers can catch up on the production backlog in order to be able to offer enough graphics cards for the launch.

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No official MSRP, no release date

What Nvidia has also owed us so far is information on the non-binding sales price and the launch date of the new RTX 3090 Ti. Since the company only recently increased the prices in Europe for its RTX 3000 models, the new RTX 3090 Ti should also be anything but become cheap. An official starting price of 1,999 euros does not seem unreasonable.

But the bottom line is that the RRP shouldn’t matter to many PC gamers anyway. After all, it can be assumed that Nvidia’s new top graphics card will be sold again for enormous sums on the open market shortly after it was launched. The cheapest RTX 3090 is currently being traded for almost 2,300 euros – the prices of the RTX 3090 Ti are likely to level off a few hundred euros more.

However, there seems to be hope. Since December 2021, the prices for current graphics cards from AMD and Nvidia have been falling slightly again (source: 3DCenter). No one can say whether this trend will continue in the future – but we would like the age of extortionate prices to slowly come to an end.

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