Rugby World Cup: under what conditions will Antoine Dupont be able to return to the field?

Martin Lange // Photo credit: Matthieu Mirville / DPPI via AFP
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3:39 p.m., September 28, 2023

The return of Antoine Dupont to the Rugby World Cup is particularly awaited by supporters, but also by the rugby team itself. Still recovering, the captain should return to the group on Sunday, before resuming training. It remains to be seen under what conditions he will be able to return to the field.

Are we going to see Antoine Dupont again more quickly than expected within the French rugby team? The team captain appears to be recovering much better than expected from his facial injury suffered during the match against Namibia last week. For the moment, the scrum half of the XV of France is recovering after having undergone surgery.

A mask to protect the captain’s face?

He should reunite with his teammates on Sunday, then he will return to non-contact training to get back into rhythm. As for matches and tackles, you will have to wait for a medical green light. Antoine Dupont should also see his surgeon again to assess his healing. But one question still remains unanswered: what protection will Antoine Dupont be able to wear on the field?

The captain could play with a mask a device that can be rigid or flexible. And that’s all the difference according to Manuel Gavelle, physiotherapist specializing in maxillofacial prosthesis. “Normally, without a mask, it is contraindicated to play again. The goal will really be to protect the bone which is fractured and which has been repaired with plates”, he explains at the microphone of Europe 1.

No exemption requested at this time

“In this case, it has to be rigid or carbon because in my opinion the soft mask does not protect. And we must not forget that even if the stakes can be high, we are still talking about health of a player”, adds the specialist.

The problem is that World Rugby, the International Federation, prohibits rigid masks. This Wednesday, she affirmed that the French Rugby Federation had not requested an exemption. As it stands, Antoine Dupont can for the moment only claim to use a flexible mask with a thickness of less than 5 mm.

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