Running a wolf • Tips against rubbing thighs

Sores on the skin mainly occur during sports or in the summer when it is very hot. The thighs are particularly often affected when skin rubs against one another or against clothing. How to prevent the wolf from running and treat sore thighs.

Wolf run: When shorts, skirts and dresses are worn, there are often chafed areas on the inside of the thighs. But chafing wounds are also a well-known problem in running. What helps with a skin wolf

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Wolf run: Inflamed skin from friction

Heat, moisture from sweat and friction are the cause of the irritated, sore skin areas. The skin wolf, also known medically as intertrigo, occurs primarily in places where skin rubs against skin, the main areas of the body affected are:

  • Thigh
  • Armpit height
  • Buttocks (anal furrow)
  • Genital area
  • belly button
  • Wrinkles on the stomach (if you are very overweight)

The sore rubbed areas of the skin cause pain, burning and itching, and in some cases they are even oozing. Even if it is a superficial injury to a wolf, complications can arise: The skin barrier is destroyed in the affected area: bacteria, viruses and fungi can penetrate more easily, infectious inflammations are possible. Diabetes mellitus is considered to be a major risk factor for further inflammation in the chapped skin area.

Intertrigo does not only occur in people who are overweight, very slim people can also experience rubbing thighs in summer. Only a few people experience the so-called “thigh gap”, in which the thighs do not touch: this is primarily dependent on the bone structure and the nature of the pelvis.

In addition, the phenomenon of chafed skin particularly affects athletes; the friction is often caused by loose clothing. The skin wolf occurs here mainly on the armpits, testicles and nipples.

Preventing skin wolf: what helps?

Depending on the affected region and, above all, depending on the reason for the skin wolf, different tips can help to prevent the sore skin areas.

Tips for sport

In order to minimize the friction between skin and fabric during sport and avoid running into a wolf, you should pay particular attention to tight-fitting clothing. The less it can move, the less friction there is.

In addition, sportswear made of functional fabrics is particularly recommended, it is very breathable, because: Clothes soak up sweat, they stick to the skin and lead to painful wounds. Therefore, when running, particular attention should be paid to the breathability of the materials. Tight underpants are important for men to protect the genital area from friction and chafing. Good footwear protects the feet from chafing and blistering.

Plasters and tapes can also help to protect the nipples by masking them. Tip: Plasters and tapes should fit tightly and not form folds, so as not to cause friction.

In running, the term “chafing” has established itself for the skin wolf, it comes from English and stands for “chafing”. There are special anti-chafing gels, sticks and sprays for marathon enthusiasts. They also help against rubbing thighs in everyday life, but are significantly more expensive than many home remedies for rubbing thighs.

Shorts and dress: what helps against chafing thighs in summer

In summer you don’t even have to jog in the park to run a wolf between your legs, sometimes the walk to the supermarket in shorts is enough. Sweat causes the thighs to stick together and rub against each other, creating the skin wolf.

Many tips and home remedies are designed to reduce friction and help prevent a skin wolf. What helps?

  • Lubricant and Vaseline: Petroleum jelly and silicone-based lubricants provide protection against running into a wolf. The disadvantage is the low durability, so the tube should be plugged in for longer trips. In addition, products containing fat and silicone should not be applied to existing wound areas, as they are not breathable and thus stand in the way of the healing process.

  • Deodorants: They help with sweating under the armpits and prevent sweat odor, and they also help to reduce friction. A creamy deodorant stick or roll-on deodorant can prevent the skin from getting between the legs. Deodorant sprays should never be used as they can irritate the sensitive genital area.

  • Cycling shorts: When wearing skirts and dresses, cycling shorts can help prevent skin wolf. They come in different shapes and made of different fabrics so that they are not visible under clothing. It is important that the shorts do not roll up, otherwise the problem can be exacerbated. It should lie against the body like a second skin.

There are also some tips to prevent wolf walking, but which are not advisable:

  • Baby powder: Baby powder absorbs moisture and thus reduces friction, which is why it is often recommended against chafing thighs. Unfortunately, the powder is not well suited: If there is a large amount of sweat, it clumps and makes the problem enormously worse.

  • Bandelettes: Like cycling shorts, they are a textile solution to avoid running into a wolf. Bandelettes are thigh bands that are designed to protect the thighs from friction. They are available in many designs. They stick to the skin with silicone straps, but they often slip, which increases friction.

  • Blister plaster: Large silicone blister plasters can temporarily help reduce friction. However, they come off quickly in heat, and protruding edges can become an additional source of friction. In addition, there are special bladder gels in the form of sticks, which are suitable for on the go and can be purchased in pharmacies and drugstores.

  • Coconut oil: The oil is a natural helper against friction. It smells good and cares for the skin, but when it is hot it becomes very fluid and runs, which means that it loses its effectiveness. Grease stains can also appear on clothing.

Treating intertrigo: what helps with sore skin?

If you’ve run into a wolf, the wounds can be very painful. The healing process can take a long time due to repeated friction and irritation of the skin area. Therefore, proper care is particularly important with the hide wolf. It is said to soothe the skin, prevent further irritation and accelerate healing.

Creams and ointments with moisturizing and regenerating ingredients such as panthenol (also dexpanthenol, provitamin B5) and vitamin E are ideal for treating the affected areas of the skin. Pastes with zinc oxide also have an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect, so they prevent complications.

If a skin fungus has also formed on the abrasion wound, it must be treated with a local antifungal agent; in rare cases, oral ingestion as a tablet is required.

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