Russia is a ‘direct threat’ to the ‘security’ of NATO countries, says Stoltenberg

Europe 1 with AFP
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9:44 a.m., June 29, 2022

“We are going to say clearly”, during the summit which is to revise the Alliance’s roadmap for the first time since 2010, “that Russia represents a direct threat to our security”, said Jens Stoltenberg, Secretary General of the Alliance. NATO. The Madrid summit is “historic” as the Alliance experiences “its most serious security crisis since the Second World War”.

Russia represents a “direct threat” to the security of NATO countries, meeting in Madrid, said Wednesday Jens Stoltenberg, the secretary general of the Atlantic Alliance, which will strengthen its eastern flank in response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine. “We are going to say clearly”, during the summit which is to revise the Alliance’s roadmap for the first time since 2010, “that Russia represents a direct threat to our security”, he said. The Madrid summit is “historic” as the Alliance experiences “its most serious security crisis since the Second World War”, he insisted.

Faced with the threat from Russia, the NATO countries will decide in Madrid to strengthen their “battlegroups” present on the eastern flank of the Alliance. NATO will also “transform its 40,000-soldier Reaction Force” and increase the number of its high-readiness forces “well above” 300,000 soldiers, Jens Stoltenberg said on Monday.

China also concerned

“This is the most significant overhaul of our collective defense since the Cold War,” he said on Wednesday. NATO’s new roadmap, called “strategic concept” and which must be adopted in Madrid, will also mention for the first time the “challenges” represented by China “for our values, our interests and our security”, said Jens Stoltenberg again.

“China is not an adversary, but we have to take into account the consequences for our security when we see China investing heavily in new military equipment,” he said. As a sign of this concern, NATO invited Japanese and South Korean leaders for the first time to attend its summit this year.

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