Russia: Putin evokes a visit by Xi Jinping in the spring of 2023

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MOSCOW (Reuters) – Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Friday he hoped for a state visit from his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping next spring, in what he said would be a show of solidarity between the two countries.

“We are expecting you, Mr. President, dear friend, we are expecting you next spring for a state visit to Moscow,” said Vladimir Putin, introducing a videoconference between the two leaders.

This visit would “demonstrate to the whole world the closeness of Russian-Chinese relations”, he added.

For nearly eight minutes, Vladimir Putin stressed the growing importance of relations between Beijing and Moscow as a source of stability and the need to strengthen their military cooperation.

In response, Xi Jinping said China stands ready to increase strategic cooperation with Russia amid what he called a “difficult” situation in the world at large.

Relations between Russia and China, which the two sides have presented as a “limitless” strategic partnership, have taken on a whole new dimension since the military invasion of Ukraine by Russian forces on February 24.

Although Western countries have imposed unprecedented sanctions on Russia, China has refrained from publicly condemning the war in Ukraine, instead emphasizing the need to restore peace.

Beijing has so far been careful not to provide material support to Russia, thus avoiding jeopardizing its relations with its main trading partners, Europe and the United States.

(Reuters report, French version Laetitia Volga, edited by Sophie Louet)

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