Russia: Renault restarts production, Avtovaz suspends it again


Russia: Renault restarts production, Avtovaz suspends it again | Photo credits: otomobil /

March 21 (Reuters) – Renault restarted production of vehicles at its Moscow plant on Monday, a spokeswoman for the French automaker told Reuters, but its local subsidiary Avtovaz announced a further partial shutdown of its Russian production. lack of components.

The diamond manufacturer, the sector’s most exposed to Russia, suspended operations at its Moscow assembly plant in late February, a decision it blamed on “a forced change in existing logistics routes” after the invasion. Russian from Ukraine.

Avtovaz, the leading Russian car manufacturer, announced on Monday a new partial interruption of production at its Togliatti and Izhevsk sites from March 21 to 25 due to shortages of electronic components. The group has already suspended its activity several times this month because of irregular supplies of parts.

Renault produces two models – the Logan and the Sandero – for the Russian market in Izhevsk, alongside Lada-branded models.

Avtovaz said the Izhevsk plant will continue to produce the Lada Vesta and models based on Renault’s B0 platform on Monday and Tuesday.

On the other hand, all assembly lines will be stopped from March 23 to 25, but some production activities will be maintained during this period, Avtovaz added.

The war in Ukraine placed Renault in a delicate situation. A permanent exit from Russia would weaken the recovery of the group, of which Avtovaz represented half of the current operating profit of the automotive division last year.

According to two sources familiar with the matter, the board of directors of the French group studied different scenarios ten days ago, but decided for the time being to maintain its presence in Russia in accordance with international sanctions and with the support of its main shareholder, the French State. (Edited by Reuters, with Gilles Guillaume and Leigh Thomas in Paris, edited by Bertrand Boucey)

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