Russia says it repelled several kyiv assaults in eastern Ukraine

What to remember at midday in the aftermath of the rebellion led by the paramilitary group Wagner

The leader of the paramilitary group Wagner, Evgueni Prigojine, who shook the Kremlin by attempting a spectacular coup, must leave Russia, according to the terms of an agreement with Vladimir Putin, who is emerging weakened from this unprecedented crisis. Yevgueni Prigojine must leave for Belarus, according to the Russian presidency, without it being known when this departure with the appearance of exile is planned, nor where the boss of Wagner is currently.

  • US intelligence expected a Wagner rebellion

According to New York Times and the washington postAmerican intelligence agencies had known since mid-June that the leader of the Wagner group, Yevgeny Prigojine, was preparing a rebellion against the Russian military command.

  • Wagner’s fighters leave Rostov, Voronezh, Lipetsk Oblast

The fighters of the paramilitary group Wagner, which had taken control of the Russian army headquarters in Rostov on Saturday, left the city, announced the regional governor. “The Wagner Group convoy left Rostov and headed for its camps”let it be known Vasily Golubev on Telegramwithout giving further details. “Units of the paramilitary group Wagner complete their withdrawal from the territory of the Voronezh region”writes Alexandre Goussev, on Telegram the local governor, assuring that everything is going “normally, without incident”. On Telegram, the Wagner Group posted a video of its forces leaving the Lipetsk region.

  • THE “anti-terrorist operation regime” still in force in Moscow

THE “anti-terrorist operation regime” introduced in Moscow and its region remains in force on Sunday. Significant police patrols were still deployed along the main road leading out of Moscow in the south of the capital, noted a journalist from Agence France-Presse. In the Moscow region, traffic restrictions on the M-4 highway linking Moscow to Rostov are also maintained on Sunday, according to a press release from the Avtodor agency, responsible for highways in Russia.

  • Chechen forces arrive in the Moscow region

The Chechen leader, Ramzan Kadyrov, announced yesterday that he would send his men to the “tension areas”. This morning, a video accompanied by acid comments shows Kadyrov’s troops parading on a deserted bridge, in Kolomnain the Moscow region.

  • On the front, the war has not stopped

Russian forces continued their attacks, reports theUkrainian General Staff, with missiles; he reports Russian offensive actions in the regions of Lyman, Avdiivka and Marinka. This morning, the account Ukrainian Air Force Telegram reported numerous alerts. Two people died and at least eight were injured in Russian attacks in Kharkiv Oblast and Kherson on Saturday and overnight, Ukrainian officials said. The death toll from a Russian airstrike on kyiv on Saturday in the early hours of the day rose to five dead, announced the mayor of the capital.

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