Russian oil: Europeans are skating

High Representative Josep Borrell has threatened to call an extraordinary meeting of foreign ministers next week if an agreement is not reached this weekend.

Correspondent in Brussels

It won’t be this time around. Meeting on Friday morning, the ambassadors of the European Union failed to reach an agreement on the sixth package of sanctions against Russia, which notably provides for the embargo on oil. And this, despite the latest adjustments proposed by the Commission to take account of the situation “particular” of certain Member States.

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, who has been saying for weeks that cutting his country off from Russian oil and gas would be “a red line”, dotted the ‘i’s on Friday, saying an embargo on Russian energy would be tantamount to letting go “an atomic bomb” on the Hungarian economy. “We know exactly what we need. First of all, we need five years for this whole process to be completed,he warned. “The countries that are hesitating today are not yet ready”, admitted Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, pointing…

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