Sacha Distel in a relationship with a huge American star before his death? His son responds to the rumor!

Died 18 years ago to the day from colon cancer, Sacha Distel left his mark on the world of music. But he also, by his presence, capsized the hearts of many women, in particular that of Francine Bréaud with whom he married in 1961 before becoming the father of two children: Julien and Laurent.

The latter spoke in September 2020 in the columns of Gala, in order to express himself about his father but above all to restore the truth between the rumours, the true love stories of the artist, before he falls in love with Francine. I had the name of Audrey Hepburn removed from his Wikipedia file.. I have never heard of this story…” he had in particular confided, while the Hollywood actress was often associated with the musician.

many idylls

On the other hand, Sacha Distel, victim of an accident in 1985 with Chantal Nobel, did indeed share his life with the singer Juliette Gréco, met at the Olympia, during a gala devoted to the interpreter of Under Paris Skies. They also collaborated together in song.

His story with Brigitte Bardot is also true. He, too, shared the stage with her. They notably made a hit with their title: You are the sun of my life. The two lovebirds had met on the set of the film And God created the woman, whose singer supervised the soundtrack.

The actresses Jeanne Moreau and Annette Stroyberg have also succumbed to the charm of the singer. But the latter finally found the shoe to his feet with Francine Bréaud. The latter will not have been cooled by the multiple love affairs of her husband. She will have accompanied him until his last breath. She will even have been faithful to him after his death because she revealed, in an interview with France Sunday in 2014, having found “no other man I like“, stating that “some have tried“, in vain !

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