Safety on vacation: That’s why you should hang a cup on the hotel door

If you travel alone a lot, you may have felt uncomfortable in the hotel. In the evening in particular, many travelers fear that someone might gain access to the room unnoticed. A simple trick brings more security.

Especially at night it can get scary alone in the hotel room. If you are unsure whether someone is trying to get into the room while you are sleeping or showering, you can use a simple trick in addition to the regular locking devices.

Coffee cup on the hotel door for more security

Just take a coffee cup, which you can now find in almost every hotel room, and hang it on the doorknob. If a person opens the door from outside, the cup falls down and should wake you up or tell you the next morning whether someone tried to sneak into your room.

If the cup does not have a handle, you can simply place it on the handle so that it falls down as soon as the handle is pressed down.

That’s why you shouldn’t tie the door

We strongly advise against tricks such as tying the door with a belt or rope. In the event of a fire or, depending on the travel destination, an earthquake, a knot that is difficult to untie or a belt that is jammed can cost valuable seconds and have life-threatening consequences.

Alternatively, we recommend a travel doorstop that you put on the door at night. If someone tries to open the door, an alarm will be triggered automatically, which is guaranteed to wake you up.

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