Safran signs a supply contract for the Polish armed forces

(AOF) – During the Eurosatory exhibition, Safran Electronics & Defense and the Polish company Wojskowe Zakłady Elektroniczne (WZE) signed for the first time a contract for the supply of Geonyx inertial navigation and pointing systems to the Polish armed forces . The total cumulative quantity is around 200 pieces of equipment. The Geonyx were selected for Poland’s Pilica+ and Narew air defense programs.

They will provide precise and reliable positions to anti-aircraft platforms, even in the event that satellite navigation signals are unavailable or inaccessible, as well as heading references to the various radars.

The signing of this contract also includes the transfer of production of these inertial units to WZE: Safran will produce the main elements; WZE will carry out their assembly and the necessary checks before delivering the Geonyx to the Polish forces.

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