Saint-Nazaire: a man tried for racist insults towards agents who fined his car

The owner of the vehicle uttered insults and kicked the public road surveillance officers (ASVP) who were verbalizing his vehicle. Jean-Christophe Marmara / Le Figaro

The owner of the vehicle, a 34-year-old Moroccan, tried in immediate appearance Tuesday afternoon at the Saint-Nazaire criminal court, asked for time to prepare his defense.

Le Figaro Nantes

A motorist who had physically and verbally attacked two public road surveillance agents (ASVP) on Saturday in Saint-Nazaire (Loire-Atlantique), asked for a delay to defend himself, during a hearing in appearance immediately this Tuesday afternoon at the city’s correctional court. The date of his judgment has been set for February 23, specifies Ouest-France. Pending this, the 34-year-old man remains in pre-trial detention. A sign that the charges against him in this case seemed sufficiently important in the eyes of the magistrates.

What is he accused of? On Saturday, when two public road surveillance agents (ASVP) were going to draw up a report concerning his vehicle, this individual of Moroccan nationality approached them in the company of two other people. Reassembled, he uttered threats and racist insults. “You don’t like Arabs”he said in particular against an agent before calling him a “dirty nigga”, reports a source close to the file.

Home structure

In the process, he physically attacked the second agent by hitting him on the right elbow. A second individual, a minor, present at the scene, then in turn made threats towards the two ASVPs, promising to “catch” and of them “slaughter”. Faced with this surge of verbal and physical violence, the agents had called municipal police officers for reinforcement. The latter had arrested the two threatening individuals who were then placed in police custody at the Saint-Nazaire police station.

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If the owner of the vehicle will therefore be the subject of a subsequent judgment, the minor, aged 17, received a summons before the public prosecutor of Toulouse where his home is located. While waiting for this, he was looked after by a reception structure for minors based in Nantes.

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