Saints Row: We reviewed the reboot of the license with some new features

The reboot of Saints Row intrigue since its announcement. It is not easy for such an emblematic license to rejuvenate itself by managing to convince fans while capturing a new audience. Nevertheless, the starvation deaths of GTA-like are likely to be thrilled by this new urban open world which still has arguments.

During an online presentation by the Volition studio, we were able to see many gameplay sequences presenting the main mechanics of the game. Here is what we have retained.

A grain of madness in an atmosphere of the era of time

Briefly recall that as a reboot, it is totally detached from previous events in terms of history. Do not hope to see the famous people again, we are evolving here with a whole new gang wanting to be the most powerful crime syndicate in the city of Santo Ileso. The goal is to keep some codes from the series while bringing something new. Obviously, this new tone didn’t sit well with all fans, who voiced criticism during the announcement. It is true that this somewhat hipster atmosphere within the group will not please everyone, especially with a license that we have known more uninhibited, but this reboot also signals an anchoring in the era of time.

It still retains a certain madness in its atmosphere, from what we could see. A madness that already begins with an absolutely insane character customization. Whether at the level of the body or in terms of cosmetics, everything is customizable to infinity. It will even be possible to save several models to change avatars in the middle of the game via an application on your virtual smartphone.

We are undoubtedly in front of the most complete tool in terms of character creation. For example, you can change the appearance of your teeth or the size of your genitals. This ultra-advanced customization even occurs at the level of weapons and vehicles that can be “pimped” from A to Z. And finally, your lair is located in a church in the middle of the city, which you can decorate in several ways.

Wilder gameplay

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In any case, Santo Ileso seems to be a fairly rich and detail-packed open world. We do not yet know what the degree of exploitation of this one will be (we are promised, for example, random events), but we can at least say that the engine is holding up. We find the clichés of GTA-like, however, the key Saints Row and the good ideas of Volition have something to make us want.

As in freedom of movement. We were shown a sequence in the car where the player ejected from the vehicle in the middle of a jump (yes it will be possible to equip ejection seats in his cars) and then fly in a Wingsuit. Funny thing, it is possible to bounce on the NPCs to take off again.

Volition has greatly evolved gameplay from Saints Row adding more depth and wacky options. During the pursuits with the police you will be able in particular to destroy their car by giving body blows or to activate a demolition ball. Same thing with gunfights where you can execute close combat finishes or use very exotic weapons like American footballs, which you throw at enemies to make them fly through the air.

To see all the same for the gunfights because on the images, despite some flashes, the feeling seemed quite generic.

The Holy Co-op

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Saints Row already promises a fairly long lifespan with a lot of activities, some of which are well known to fans such as robberies. The main and side missions shown were quite nice, with a good bar fight or a car dragging a cabinet for a very “dirty” interrogation.

Good news all the same concerning the cooperative mode (two players only), which will allow you to keep the money and the EXP obtained even if you join a friend. Another rather practical detail, it will be possible to pass missions already carried out in cooperation if you have not already done them in your own game. The customization is also pushed to the end since we were told that the HUD can be modified at will in the options.

In conclusion

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Ultimately, we may regret an atmosphere a little less raw than the previous ones (some even regretting a more realistic gang war, like the first ones), nevertheless the license keeps this little touch of madness in its gameplay and its ultra-complete customization system .

We ask to see more about the gameplay, especially the gunfights, as well as life in the city of Santo Ileso which is still sublime. With a GTA VI that we can still wait some time, Volition has a potential boulevard with its GTA-like ambitious.

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