Salaries: agreement for a 3.1% increase among metallurgical engineers and executives

They represent approximately 330,000 of the 1.5 million employees of the metallurgy of France.

Engineers and managers in the automotive, aeronautics and other metal sectors will see their minimum wages increased by 3.1% in 2022, according to an agreement concluded between employers and three trade unions, announced the next day. demonstrations on the subject.

This revaluation takes into account the inflation outlook for 2022 as well as the contrasting economic situation of companies in the branch.“, commented the CFE-CGC union, in a press release. At the request of the union, this revaluation is accompanied by two clauses: “an early meeting, from the end of this year, for the negotiations of the SMH (hierarchical minimum wages) engineers and executives 2023” on the basis of an economic report for the year 2022 and “the start of negotiations from the 1st quarter of 2023 on the new single classification grid applicable in 2024“.

Around 330,000 engineers and executives

Engineers and executives represent “with a ladle» approximately 330,000 of the 1.5 million employees of the metallurgy of France, which includes sectors as essential as the automobile, aeronautics or steel industry. If these minimum wages concern a small part of them, they are often taken as a reference and not only for executives. Because, if a single collective agreement must bring together all the employees of the sector in 2024, currently the minimum wages of non-executives are negotiated in more than 70 territories. “Very often, territories look at what is concluded at the level of engineers and managers, to adjust to a reference point“, explained to AFP Gabriel Artero, president of the CFE-CGC Métallurgie.

In addition to the CFE-CGC, the CFDT and FO have also signed with the UIMM, an employers’ organization, the latter said in a press release. “These negotiations took place in a context of a significant increase in inflation, a break with previous years.“, underlined the CFDT, which claimed “taking into account this inflation context, and a review clause, given the uncertainty of its real evolution in 2022“. Already, this level of revaluation of 3.1% “constitutes a strong evolution compared to the levels of the previous years, and integrates de facto the taking into account of the change of the context of inflation“, she however underlined.

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