Salesforce wants to encourage the employment of women in Tech

With “1000 women in Tech”, the American publisher wants to improve parity in this job-providing sector.

Salesforce is a regular at social engagement. Since the beginning of the company, Marc Benhioff, its co-founder, has implemented the 1-1-1 model: 1% of the company’s capital, 1% of the services, 1% of the working time of its employees are dedicated to charitable causes. In France, the group adds a new figure to this series: 1000. Like 1000 women for Tech.

This initiative, led by the boss of Salesforce France, Emilie Sidiqian and Marie Petitcuenot, impact director (head impact officer) aims to encourage women to move towards Tech jobs, in the Salesforce ecosystem. The lack of women in Tech is getting worse; while on the contrary, companies are more and more aware of subjects relating to parity in teams. ” We will assess the concrete needs of our customers and partners to set up a suitable training system adds Marie Petitcuenot. Parity, but also return to work and inclusion are the watchwords of this program. Salesforce poses as a trusted organization, to be the guarantor of this organization. The group is committed to providing all the human resources necessary to support awareness-raising, training and professional integration actions. But it does not work alone.

In a few weeks, Marie Petitcuenot brought together many key players, such as Pôle Emploi, École 42 for training, and even major international groups: Accenture, Adecco Capgemini, Onepoint, Deloitte, Hardis Group, Biomérieux, Sanofi.

The ambition to integrate 1000 women into the ecosystem may seem high. It is nevertheless modest compared to the 211,000 jobs that should be created in the Salesforce ecosystem by 2026. But it is an essential first step and a way to highlight the prospects and possibilities available to women in the Tech.

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