Sam Heughan: "Outlander" star could be the new James Bond

Who will follow Daniel Craig as a Bond actor? "Outlander" star Sam Heughan should have the best chance of the coveted role.

While the last "James Bond" film with Daniel Craig (52, "Verblendung") is not yet in cinemas, there is already a lot of discussion about his successor. Most recently, James Norton (34, "McMafia"), Idris Elba (47, "Thor") and Richard Madden (34, "Rocketman") were hot candidates for the famous role of the secret agent. According to a new poll, fans would like another actor in the role: Sam Heughan (40, "Outlander").

Does he get a second chance?

In the survey commissioned by "", in which 80,000 votes were taken into account, the Scot Sam Heughan was most often named as a suitable bond successor (30 percent). Behind him were Tom Hardy (14 percent), Henry Cavill (11 percent) and Idris Elba (10 percent). There were a total of 20 names to choose from, which readers had previously suggested on Twitter. In mid-June 2020, Sam Heughan described the James Bond role as a "big dream" in an interview. The series star reportedly even auditioned for the role in "Casino Royale" in 2005, but was beaten by Daniel Craig.

In the "Radio Times" voting, Gillian Anderson (51) and Keeley Hawes (44) were also listed as possible female Bond successors, but they did not make it into the top ten. Bond producer Barbara Broccoli (60) said in an interview with "Variety" in January 2020: "He can have any skin color, but he is male." The theatrical release of "James Bond – No Time to Die" was postponed from April 2, 2020 to November 12, 2020 due to the coronavirus pandemic.
